Book Plate

Book Plate

Originally designed for a black and white book plate, when I repurposed the design for my daughter, I added color.
Doug Roy, Magician

Doug Roy, Magician

Doug needed a flyer that would hang out in the binders of wedding planners. First, I had to make a magical pair of newlyweds. I’ll now avoid a joke about them behaving like bunnies in that hat.
Suzuki tee shirt

Suzuki tee shirt

A big get-together for students of instruments with four strings. I loved all the shapes that violins, cellos and their ilk are hiding in plain sight. I still have one of these shirts, but rarely wear it because I don’t want to wear it out.
Paige Paulsen, CPA web header

Paige Paulsen, CPA web header

How do you depict a holistic accountant? She wanted nature to be part of the look. So I photographed a bunch of pencils and made them tree trunks . . . which, I guess, is what they started out as.